There are a few different ways to reduce your environmental impact when driving. The most obvious way would be to purchase a green vehicle (and we’re not talking about the color). This could include an electric vehicle or even a fuel cell vehicle like the 2021 Toyota Mirai. If you aren’t in the market for a brand new car, however, there are still easy ways that you can take to make your current car more sustainable.

person tuning up car to make car more sustainable

1. Get Regular Tune-ups

Making sure your car is running smoothly is something that you need to do for your yearly vehicle inspections; it’s also something that can help improve the environmental impact of your car. A typical tune-up can help improve your gas mileage by around 4% and repairing serious maintenance issues can result in a 40% improvement in fuel efficiency. And, as fuel efficiency improves, it also lessens the environmental impact of your vehicle.

There are also specific areas of a car that, when malfunctioning, can cause your vehicle to emit more pollution than normal. For example, the emissions system is in charge of cleaning and minimizing the exhaust fuels that exit the tailpipe. In cases where this part of the car is malfunctioning, more fuel exhaust will exit the car and enter the atmosphere. Getting your car regularly inspected can help avoid these problems and the pollution they can cause.

2. Drive Smart & Light

Driving aggressively, breaking often, and accelerating rapidly are all things that can cause your car to burn more fuel than necessary. Instead, drive the speed limit, brake sparingly… and try not to get in an unspoken race with the driver that cut you off in traffic. It can also help to make sure to efficiently plan your routes prior to driving, making sure you’re going the shortest and most fuel-efficient route. Google Maps now has a feature that notifies you which route is most eco-friendly.

In addition to how you drive, what you take with you can also affect your car’s fuel efficiency. The heavier your car is, the more fuel it uses. To make your car more sustainable, stay diligent about keeping your car clean and avoid carrying heavy excess items with you unless it’s absolutely necessary.

car getting gas. avoid topping off fuel to make your car more sustainable

3. Don’t Top Off Fuel

Refueling correctly can also help your car’s environmental impact to make it more sustainable. Be sure to only refill your gas tank until the pump stops automatically; never top off your tank with additional fuel. Modern vehicles have an emissions canister built-in, which is designed to prevent fuel vapors from leaking into the atmosphere. When you top off your tank, it forces liquid fuel into the canister, which reduces its effectiveness and could render it completely useless over time. Overflowed tanks can also spill fuel, which then evaporates into the atmosphere. Being conscientious about fueling correctly and screwing on your fuel cap tightly afterward can help avoid some additional negative environmental impacts your vehicle could produce.

4. Avoid AC

This one is a tough ask, especially on those 90 degree summer days when opening up your windows just means blowing hot air all over your already sweaty face. Turning on the AC increases the strain on your vehicle’s electrical system, making the engine work harder to compensate which results in higher fuel consumption.

No one is suggesting that you be so strict with your AC that you end up passing out in your car due to heat exhaustion. However, when you can comfortably drive with open windows, you will make less of an environmental impact. Keep the windows rolled up on the highway, however, because there is some debate that the increase in the aerodynamic drag can cause the fuel efficiency to go down as well.

Person filling up tires to make car more sustainable

5. Fill Up Tires

An estimated one-third of the world’s commercial vehicles have under-inflated tires. Under-inflated tires don’t roll as efficiently as properly-inflated ones, meaning that the car engine needs to work harder to get them moving. This results in the car burning more fuel than necessary. Adequately filled tires also last longer, therefore limiting landfill waste as well. Not only do they make your car more sustainable, but properly inflated tires can also reduce total tire-related costs by $600 to $800 annually per vehicle!

The suggested range for each vehicle’s tire pressure is normally printed either in the owner’s manual or on the sticker inside the driver’s door. If you don’t want to constantly check your tires, consider Continental’s intelligent tires. These come with a tire sensor that constantly monitors the pressure and temperature of the tire and transmits the information to a receiver system.

In addition to ensuring that your tires are adequately filled, consider opting for more sustainable tires. For example, Continental’s innovative Conti GreenConcept tires are made with over 50 percent sustainable raw materials, with about 35 percent renewable materials and about 17 percent recycled materials. The tire is also 40 percent lighter than conventional tires, making for lower resource consumption and more sustainable driving.

Discover the World of Innovation, and see sustainable hotels around the world, how recycled art turns trash into treasure, and how to make game controllers.

For more information about the technology and sustainability of tires, tune in to Tomorrow’s World Today’s “The Tires of Tomorrow” streaming NOW on Science Channel GO and Discovery GO!

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