If you have a green thumb, the harsh winter months will make you miss your garden. You long for the spring afternoons where you can come out into the sunshine, grab your trusty watering can, and check on the progress of your Solanum Lycopersicum (tomato plant). There are only so many indoor plants that can fit into your home to help tide you over until the spring (and you’ve already far exceeded that number). If you want to breathe some life into your garden in the winter months, here are some plants that can survive in most winter temperatures.

1) Hellebores (Helleborus)

Hellebores Flower Cold Weather PlantsThe hellebores are evergreen perennials that grow roughly fifteen inches high and are native to Europe. These plants don’t need a lot of special care and actually thrive in the shade, making them the perfect winter plant. They also bloom as early as January, allowing you to ring in your New Year with a splash of color amidst the white blanket of snow. In the winter the full sun won’t hurt these plants, but in the summer you’ll need to make sure they’re covered or planted in a shady area.

2) Lily-of-the-Valley (Convallaria Majalis)

Lily of the Valley Flower Blooming Winter

Don’t let this dainty-looking plant fool you, the Lily-of-the-Valley can become an invasive plant if not given the proper attention and upkeep. That being said, this plant is very adaptable and can thrive in virtually any soil or climate. Lily of the Valley thrives in partial to full shade exposure, with full sun exposure only being tolerable in northern climates. This plant is hardy in USDA Zones 2-7, making it able to survive most winter temperatures but it blooms in the spring and summer seasons.

3) Snowdrops (Galanthus Nivalis)

Snowdrops Winter Plants Bloom

These small white bell-shaped flowers are known for popping up through a layer of snow, hence their name. They are even able to survive in an extended winter event, making them the perfect choice for your winter garden. Snowdrops typically grow to be six inches high, but some newer hybrids of the plant can reach up to ten inches. Keep in mind, however, that these plants don’t fare well in warm climates and need to be kept uniformly moist. Although they might not add a lot of color to the winter landscape, they will certainly bring life to your garden during the harshest months.

4) Hostas

Hostas Plant Flowers Blooming

These shade-loving plants are hardy until USDA Zone 3 and thrive when subjected to freezing or near-freezing temperatures. When the plant senses cold temperatures, it goes into a stasis known as its dormant phase, but this chilling phase promotes earlier emergency and better overall growth. After the plant has dried and solidified for the winter, simply trim back the leaves as needed until it becomes active again in the spring.

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