When mother nature strikes and the weather doesn’t want to cooperate with our outdoor plans, nature-lovers can feel like they’re going through withdrawal. Now you’re limited to sitting by the window, watching the neighborhood dogs walk up and down the block from behind the glass. Luckily, however, there are ways you can get the engagement with nature that you crave- by bringing nature to you!

Tomorrow's World Today Nature From Home 1

Bird Feeder

Even if you’re not a Maker, creating a bird feeder can be incredibly easy. You could make a complicated woodworking masterpiece or you could simply mix together a bird feed and plaster it over a pine cone or the inside of a coconut shell. From there, you’ll simply poke a few holes in the top, run a string through it, and hang it up outside. This is a fun small craft for the family to do together, but the real fun is when you get to watch all of the different species of birds that will pay you a visit afterward. You can try to identify different variations together and it’s a great way to literally bring one of the wonders of nature right to your porch.

Nature Reserve

Although this method will require more patience than a makeshift bird feeder, creating a miniature nature reserve is another great way to bring a little bit of nature to your home. All you need is some compost, a log, a rock, and a small box and you’ve got your own reservation. Place all of the items together in the box, leave the box somewhere like near a wall or bench, and wait to see who takes up home in your little reserve. This won’t have the instant gratification that a bird feeder will give you, but over time you’ll see some plants and animals take up residence.

Tomorrow's World Today Nature From Home 2

Nectar Bar

Given all of the recent news about murder hornets, our pollinating friends can use all of the help they can get. Set up a nectar bar outside of your window with insect-friendly plants like rosemary, agrimony, lavender, etc. This will allow you to not only help our buzzing friends, but you’ll be able to keep the window closed and watch the pollination process up close and safely.


Creating a mini pond is another great way to watch over time as nature comes to your home. All you’ll need to do is find an old bucket (could be from a trip to the beach). Dig a hole in your yard and place the bucket in the hole, making sure that it’s deep enough to fit the whole container. Line the bottom of the bucket with sand, fill it with some rocks, bricks, pondweed, and/or pebbles. Finally, fill the bucket with rainwater and you’ve got yourself a little natural pond for local frogs to splash around in.

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